Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Preparing Food in Advance and Saving Time!

Today I prepared some food in individual portions to make things a little easier.

I prepared organic whole rice and grilled chicken breast.

Check out the pics:

Big grill.

Portions: Two table spoons of organic whole rice and one chicken breast fillet.

Letting them cool down a bit.

Lids on.

And off to the fridge!

I didn't have any vegetables today, but I will be sure to add some next time!

1 comment:

  1. óóóóiiii Kaaamiliiii, Que da hora!! Muito filé!!! Muito boa a idéia de preparar as refeições assim antecipadamente. Eu também comprei um George Forman Grill um tempinho atrás (pedi pelo Amazon e chegou o dia que fiz o video do youtube!!!!). To gostando bastante dele, bem pratico pra preparar as refeições.

    Keep up the good work!!!
