Monday, July 27, 2009

Frozen Fruit Protein Shake


While trying to maintain a practical, easy and doable diet, Vitor came up with a great idea.

Preparation is the key and following Vi's recommendation I selected, washed, diced and bagged up small portions of mixed fruit today.

Check out the pics!



Close up:

Strawberries, carrots, apples, papayas, bananas, beets and pineapple!



I'm sure it´s gonna be a whole lot easier to prepare my daily protein shakes. All I'll need to do is grab a frozen portion from the freezer and blend it with water, protein, flaxseed and so on!

Bottoms Up!


  1. Fala Séééériooo que DA HORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muito legal as fotos kamili!! Me empolgei ainda mais pra fazer o mesmo.

    Going to the Organic store right after work today and buying some fruits to do the exact same thing! The pictures look fantastic!!

  2. Oh yeahh...and the credit for this comes from mom, she is the one that came up with the idea one day and I absolutely loved it. Let me know if it´s practical Camila!!!

  3. Fala Séééério...hahahahah

    I put the shake to the test this morning and it worked out GREAT!

    I did the flaxseed/oil prep, added some water, then got a bag of fruit to blend with whey protein and that was it! Very simple!

    Forgot to tell you, I found and bought a pack of frozen blueberries!!! :D So I also added a few to the shake this morning!

    Over all the preparation payed off big time and it's gonna save me a lot of time!!

    Tell me how yours goes, Vi!!
