Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Frozen Fruit Protein Shake Part Zwei

Today was a very busy day, it was my first day back to work since the return from my very relaxing vacation home in Brazil.  After work it was off to the organic food store with Sonia to buy some fresh fruits and veggies.  Straight after that we headed off to Antonio´s house (her spanish cousin who is moving back to Spain) where he gave us his old couch.  So it was a big mission to transport the couch down the steps from his apartment, and up to our apartment (we live in the 6th floor, and the elevator is way too small for a three piece couch!!).  Once this was done we cooked some food for us three (Chicken breast, Chanterelle mushrooms and Cous Cous ).  In between the cooking I managed to do the frozen fruit packages that my sister had done before.  Her blog post motivated me a lot into doing my packages as soon as possible. Hopefully it will indeed make things easier when preparing my shakes.  We will see in the morning.

Presentation :)
Cooking some food while dicing some fresh fruits and enjoying a very nice port wine from year 2000

Close up:
Blueberries, Carrots, Kiwis, Raspberries, Currant Berries (I have yet to find currant in other countries rather than Austria) and Bananas.  Anyways, I try to include as many berries as possible because of their very beneficial anti-oxidants.

Great idea that mommy came up with


My Little Helper :)
My hard little worker helped me all day, with fruit shopping, sofa carrying, cooking the food and preparing my packages.  A great companion!!

Please excuse the quality of the pics, they were taken with my cell phone tonight and its already late (no good light in the apartment).  I will post a non-health pic tomorrow of our new couch when we have some sunlight in here.  Take care and enjoy the shakes :)


  1. The fruits you selected look amazing and great thing you have access to all those berries! But the best part is that they are all organic!!


    Look at Sonia!! :) Hello Sonia! :)

    E o kófi geender? Faça um post qq hora!!

    Beijos e espero que tenha dado certo os pacotinhos de frutas!!

  2. Os pacotinhos deram muito certo....usei hoje de manhã, só no filé!! Ainda to meio zuado com o fuso horário e não começei a puxar ferro desde que voltei, acho que vou começar amanhã (Quinta feira), mas continuo comendo saudável pelo menos!! :)

    To ligado, preciso fazer um post com o greender. Mas eu tava querendo fazer um video ..rsrsrs .. mostrando o greender, fazendo o shake, e o oatmeal (Espelta!).

    Se não der certo eu faço com fotos mesmo.

